A long-term campaign to purchase and adapt civilian drones for Ukrainian forces. Behind the project is the VozĂm drony team, which has imported hundreds of drones to Ukraine since the beginning of the war and has become one of the leading Czech experts on the use of civilian drones for military purposes.
We have received an urgent request from the Ukrainian Army to deliver MAG 60RDS magazines, enabling specialized units to cover trench attacks and effectively conduct ambush operations. These magazines have twice the capacity of the normal ones that Russian troops have.
You know what causes the most injuries on the front lines? Shrapnel. So the demand for lightweight body armour that hugs the body is huge. They're made here, too. The Czech Frogtag has already tested theirs in combat. With your help, we would like to supply lightweight vests and shrapnel-resistant blankets to the boys from the International Legion.
We have received an emergency request from Kord, a particular Ukrainian police unit operating on the front. They urgently need 10 tonnes of plastic explosives, 10,000 detonators, and 10 kilometers of detonation cord.
For the 41st Mechanized Brigade, we want to buy 1,000 RPG-75 M anti-tank weapons which will enable them to destroy the heavy equipment of the Russian invaders. It's our "gift" to Putin on the 55th anniversary of the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia.
The Czech anti-shear vests and blankets we sent to Ukraine in the spring have worked well, and the International Legion defenders have asked us for another batch. Help us save as many lives as possible.
For guys from units actively engaged in fighting Russian aggression, quality equipment for medics and personal IFAKs means a higher probability of surviving injuries and a higher chance of recovering without permanent consequences. We want to buy 1,000 IFAKs, which are used for the rapid first treatment of war injuries.
Putin's army is failing to conquer Ukraine, so they take their anger out on civilian targets and critical infrastructure. We are raising funds for 15 units of Viktor air defense, effective against drones and aircraft. We'll close the Ukrainian sky.
Help us buy used cars and SUVs for Ukraine! We import and modify them for deployment in the toughest conditions! Cars are consumables in Ukraine, but they are crucial to the functioning of civilian volunteers and the safety and mobility of everyone near the front lines! Getting out early and fast can save your life!
We need to purchase eight pieces of night vision equipment for the 49th Brigade, which includes Czech volunteers. For soldiers and rescue workers, night vision is an essential requirement for survival and success in frontline operations.